These General Terms and Conditions apply to the use of the services offered by DESHOP COMUNICACAO ESTRATEGICA LTDA, registered with CNPJ/MF under No. 07.695.972 / 0001-97, headquartered in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, known as DESHOP.
Anyone, hereinafter referred to as USER, who wishes to use DESHOP's services, must accept these General Terms and Conditions, our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.
The acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions, as well as the aforementioned policies, is absolutely essential to the use of the PLATFORM and the services provided by DESHOP.
The USER must read, make sure he has fully understood and accepted all the conditions set out in the General Terms and Conditions, in the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy as well as in the other documents incorporated by reference, before making his registration as a USER in DESHOP PLATFORM.
By using the platform, the user declares to be legally competent, subject to the terms set out in current legislation, and that he/she agrees with these general terms and conditions of use of the platform, privacy policy and cookie policy.
In the case of users under eighteen (18) years old, or a disabled person, they must have the express authorization of their parents or guardians to use the platform, which authorization will be given through the registration of their father, mother or guardian, as well as a declaration of authorization through tools available on the platform.


The services, object of this Term, consist of consulting, mentoring, training, design, operationalization and automation processes, through flows in DESHOP platform, using the following personal data:
For users of corporate contracts:
  1. CPF: CPF is the user's unique identification key
  2. Name, telephone and email: this information is used for contact in case of doubts regarding the requested service, related communications and the delivery of the same and for security of access (double factor authentication).
  3. Mother’s name: This data is only stored in incentive program services, as it is required by the Alelo benefit card or similar, as validation.
  4. Date of birth: this information is used to congratulate the user and in incentive program services, as it is required by the Alelo benefit card or similar, as validation.
  5. Address: This information is optional, and it is used for sending samples and kits from the company that the user works or via DESHOP.
For users of individual contracts:
  1. CPF: CPF is the user's unique identification key
  2. Name, telephone and email: this information is used for contact in case of doubts regarding the requested service, related communications and the delivery of the same and for security of access (double factor authentication).
  3. Date of birth: this information is used to congratulate the user
  4. Address: This information is optional, and it is used for sending samples and kits from the company that the user works or via DESHOP.


The USER declares that:
  1. They will not use the PLATFORM for illegal purposes or to transmit illegal, defamatory material, that violates the privacy of third parties, or that is abusive, threatening, obscene, or in any other objectionable way, or that infringes or may infringe intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties.
  2. They will not use the PLATFORM to transmit any material that contains viruses, Trojan horse files, or any other harmful program.
  3. They will not transmit unsolicited messages (spam or junk mail), chain letters, or mass distribution of unsolicited messages
  4. They will not interfere or interrupt the service, servers or networks connected to the PLATFORM.
  5. They will comply with all requirements, procedures, policies and regulations of networks connected to the PLATFORM.
  6. They will comply with all applicable laws regarding the transmission of data from Brazil or the territory where the user resides.
  7. They will not transmit any illegal, vexing, defamatory, privacy-invasive, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, insulting, or otherwise objectionable material through the PLATFORM;
  8. They will not transmit any material that violates the rights of third parties, including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights of third parties;
  9. They will not transmit any material that violates applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation.
  10. They will not obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to other systems or computer networks connected to the PLATFORM.
  11. They are solely responsible for the information sent and data changes made through the PLATFORM, from its electronic address for registered e-mail and password
  12. They agree to have their registration canceled if DESHOP verifies any violation of these terms or any policies disclosed through the PLATFORM, on the account of user.


It is part of DESHOP's policy to respect the privacy of its users. The sites or will not, therefore, monitor, edit, access or disclose information related to the content of private communications between its users, except in the cases expressly provided for under this agreement or unless they are required to do so by law or court order, under our Privacy Policy.


Contracting USER and/or LEGAL ENTITY is responsible for:
  1. Providing their own access to the Internet, and pay any service fees that may be charged by third parties in connection with such access.
  2. Providing their own access to an address for sending electronic messages via the Internet and pay any service fees that may be charged by third parties in connection with such access.
  3. Providing all necessary equipment to be connected to the Internet, including, but not limited to, a computer and a modem.
  4. Making their own registration on the website.
  5. Make requests only via the platform.


DESHOP is responsible for:
  1. Providing tools accessible via the Internet to meet the demands described in the object of this term, for registered paying USERS.
  2. Providing the delivery of services via an expirable link in an email.
  3. For users of legal entities, displayingx advertising material about products and services of the company they work for.
  4. For individual users, displaying advertising material about products and services of DESHOP PLATFORM advertisers, with which the USER expressly agrees.
  5. DESHOP will use its best efforts to ensure the integrity of the data registered by the USERS, which are limited.


USER undertakes to inform his own email address to be used for their identification on DESHOP PLATFORM and to receive messages from their registration on said PLATFORM. The USER will create a password, being entirely responsible for the confidentiality of his password, as well as any activity that occurs within the scope of his registration. USERS may change their Passwords at any time. Both the email provided by users and the password created by them will be used for their identification and permission to access the PLATFORM.
USER undertakes to immediately notify DESHOP of any unauthorized use of his login on the PLATFORM (identification of the user to access the PLATFORM by filling in his electronic address and password created) or any breach of security of his knowledge. User also undertakes not to leave their login session active on their computer after entering their email and password.


PLATFORM may provide, or USERS may include in their messages, links to other Internet addresses or sources. DESHOP is not responsible for the availability of such external addresses or sources and it does not endorse or hold any liability for any content, advertising, products, services or other materials contained or made available on the PLATFORM. The USER agrees that DESHOP will not be responsible, directly or indirectly, for any costs, damages or losses that are actually or allegedly caused by any content, products or services available on said sites or external resources or for the use or reliance by the user on such content, products or services.


The USER acknowledges and expressly agrees that DESHOP is not responsible for any content, advertising, product, service contained or offered in the PLATFORM. Accordingly, any negotiations between the USER and PLATFORM advertisers, including but not limited to the user's participation in advertiser promotions available on the PLATFORM, including payment and delivery of goods and services and any other terms, conditions, warranties or statements associated with such negotiations, will only bind USER and the respective advertiser. DESHOP will hold no liability with respect to the user or any third party, whether contractual, in tort or otherwise, for any losses or damages of any kind incurred as a result of any of these negotiations with third parties or arising from the presence of such advertisers on the PLATFORM.


USER represents and warrants that the content, including, but not limited to, texts, software programs, music, sounds, photographs, graphics, videos or other materials contained in advertising available on the PLATFORM, as well as the information disclosed to the USER through PLATFORM or advertisers, may be protected due to copyright, trademarks, patents or other intellectual property rights and applicable legislation.
USER represents and warrants that he may only use such materials and information as expressly authorized by DESHOP or by the advertisers, and may not copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute or create works derived from such materials or information without the express authorization of the respective owner.


  1. USER is solely liable for the use of this Platform. The service to be provided depends on the operation of several factors, such as the interaction with third-party telecommunications servers and services, the suitability of the user's equipment, etc. With that in mind, DESHOP will use its best efforts to ensure that the services described in these terms are provided without failure or external interference.
  2. DESHOP does not offer guarantees of any kind with regard to possible service failures.
  3. DESHOP does not guarantee that the service will be adapted to USER needs or that the service will be provided in an uninterrupted, safe, or error-free manner.
  4. The USER represents and warrants that any material and/or information obtained through the PLATFORM is his sole responsibility.


The USER agrees to indemnify and hold DESHOP, its directors and employees, harmless from any losses, expenses, damages, claims or complaints, incurred by any third party or suffered by DESHOP in connection with or as a result of any use or transmission carried out by the USER, through the use of this PLATFORM, which takes place under the USER's email address and password, and which violates the PLATFORM's terms of use, Privacy Policy and / or any applicable local, national or international laws or regulations, or any third party rights.


DESHOP may cancel USER's access to any part or all of the PLATFORM, to services related to it at any time, with or without reason, with or without prior notice, at DESHOP's sole discretion.
The user's registration may also be canceled due to inactivity during a certain period, to be designated by DESHOP.
USER may delete his own registration directly on the PLATFORM, and it will be deleted immediately.
DESHOP will not be responsible for maintaining any content conected to the USER's registration and for sending any unread or unread services or messages sent by the user or third parties.


  1. USER expressly authorizes DESHOP or someone appointed by it, to reveal registration information, as well as information about the use of the platform by the user, for commercial purposes, including marketing.
  2. USER expressly authorizes the receipt of messages, on his registered phone and / or electronic address, referring to advertising content by DESHOP PLATFORM advertisers or any commercial partners that DESHOP may have and authorize.
  3. The user expressly agrees that DESHOP will have no responsibility for the use of the information disclosed by it as expressly authorized, so the user expressly exempts DESHOP from any and all liability, including, but not limited to, transmission to the user messages that contain (i) illegal, vexing, defamatory, privacy-invasive, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, insulting, or otherwise objectionable material; (ii) that violates the rights of third parties, including, but not limited to, the intellectual property rights of third parties; (iii) that violates any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation; (iv) that contains a virus or other harmful program; or (v) unsolicited (spam or junk mail), chain letters.


DESHOP may eventually modify the terms of use of the PLATFORM and / or Privacy Policy, upon notice to USER in the home screen, describing such changes. In order to agree with these changes, USER must click on the "I Accept" button again. Otherwise, the use of PLATFORM by the user will be canceled.


DESHOP reserves the right to change or discontinue the service, which will be done, if applicable, upon prior notice on a prominent screen on the PLATFORM.


The terms of use of the PLATFORM, as well as the relationship between the parties will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil.
The Parties elect the District Court of the Capital of the State of Rio de Janeiro to resolve any issues or controversies arising from these Terms of Use, with the waiver of any other, however privileged it may be.


All notices to either party must be made in writing, via e-mail or conventional mail. Notwithstanding, DESHOP may disclose notifications or messages through the PLATFORM to inform USER about any changes to the services contained in the PLATFORM, or the terms of use and / or Privacy Policy, or about other relevant matters.