In order to comply with the principle of transparency, as well as to respect the good relationship with the USER, DESHOP always makes it clear how its PLATFORM works.
Thus, when accepting the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, the USER must also acknowledge and declare his CONSENT to this Cookies and Automatic Data Collection Tools Policy, which aims to clarify how such tools work, their purpose, as well as how they are activated and deactivated.
Therefore, USER shall carefully read this Cookie and Automatic Data Collection Tools Policy before registering or even browsing the DESHOP PLATFORM.
USER's awareness is very IMPORTANT since, although it is his/her option to allow or not the use of cookies and other data collection tools, USER's refusal to apply such tools WILL IMPAIR THE FULL AND PROPER USE OF THIS PLATFORM.


Cookies are small data files, with a unique identification tag, that websites require users' browsers to store, whether on the computer or any mobile devices.
The main purpose of cookies is to allow USER's browser to register their actions and/or preferences, for greater agility, efficiency and customization, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information.
Thus, cookies are used, among other purposes, to identify USERS, store and remember their custom preferences, assist them in completing tasks without re-entering information when browsing from one site to another, or when visiting the PLATFORM again.
The PLATFORM uses Analytics and tracking cookies to collect data connected to the users and their behavior, making its operations feasible.
It is worth noting that only information deemed as deemed as strictly necessary for the full and proper operation of the PLATFORM, as well as for the provision of services described in the terms of use is collected, in accordance with the principle of necessity, item III of article 6 of Law 13.709/2018 (“LGPD ”).
This Cookie Policy is in line with DESHOP's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, and it is essential that the USER reads, fully understands and agrees with the terms of these documents, for the purposes of using the PLATFORM.


PERSISTENT COOKIES: cookies stored in the browser and used whenever the USER makes a new visit to our PLATFORM. They are generally used to direct navigation to the USER's interests, with a view to a personalized service.
SESSION COOKIES: temporary cookies that remain in USERS browser’s cookie file until they close the website. The information obtained by these cookies is used to analyze browsing traffic patterns, allowing us to identify problems and enable a better experience.


PREFERENCES: Allows PLATFORM to maintain information that changes website’s behavior or looks, including language, region and others.
SECURE: It aims to verify the user's identity, seeking to avoid the fraudulent use of login credentials and protect user data from unauthorized third parties.
ANALYTICS: Allows website and application owners to understand and analyze how visitors use and interact with their websites, products and services, by collecting information and statistics, as well as the use of website reports.
TRACKING: Enables the storage of files on the devices of visitors to the USERS 'websites, records clicks on links, advertisements and commercial transactions, such as sales and leads (information about the USER's interest in a product or service).
It should also be noted the DESHOP PARTNERS 'obligation to obtain free, express and unquestionable consent from their users and website visitors and other environments in which the PLATFORM links are shared and/or made available.
Furthermore, DESHOP PARTNERS are fully responsible for complying with applicable laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal data, particularly Law 13.709/2018, General Data Protection Law (“LGPD”), assuming the obligation to obtain consent and unequivocal expression of its users/customers regarding collection, storage, treatment and processing of personal data, under the terms of the applicable legislation. Thus, DESHOP will not be held responsible for any failure of its PARTNERS as to compliance with the current rules, reserving the right to suspend and/or cancel the contract with PARTNERS that are not in compliance with the applicable data protection legislation.
ADVERTISING: Used to target advertising to the USER's interests, improving their experience and seeking to make advertisers more effective.
PROCESSES: It aims to improve PLATFORM’s operations, so USERS may find the services and information expected.


YES. Even though most browsers have a default setting for automatic acceptance of cookies, USERS can change it by going to browser settings, and blocking the use of cookies or even choosing to be warned about sending of cookies to their devices.
Nevertheless, we must notice that DESHOP may be unable to provide the services offered through the PLATFORM with the partial or total deactivation of cookies, and such deactivation may also result in partial and inappropriate operation of its website.


DESHOP reserves the right, at any time, to change this Cookie Policy, for the purpose of updating its content and meeting the needs of technological improvement or its functionalities.
In the event of any change to this Cookie Policy, DESHOP will give notice to the USER through publication in a prominent area of the PLATFORM and request their express agreement with the changes made.
The USER's permanence in the PLATFORM, using any tools being offered, will be considered as USER'S CONSENT.